Doggie Doorbells are a acceptable way to advise your dog to let you
apperceive that they accept to go out side. Once your dog has been
appropriately accomplished to use the bells, they will not blemish the
aperture or beef at you if they accept to go out.
Tools and Supplies
You will charge a advanced award (1″ advanced or more), aggravate and
thread, bells, breach rings, a adjustable barometer tape, a bed-making
apparatus and pinking shears. The pinking shears are important for this
project, back they will cockle the edges of the award to anticipate
STEP 1 - Barometer Your Door
Pick the aperture in your abode area your dog will go out to pee. Adhere
the barometer band at a abode area you would like the accretion to
adhere and accomplish a agenda of the length.
STEP 2 - Making The Handle
Cut 12″ of ribbon, bend it over and pin it together. Sew a bond with the zig zag stitch about 1/2″ about the award edge
STEP 3 - Cutting The Ribbons For The Bells
Now that the handle is completed, it have to be abstinent back it
contributes to the absolute breadth of the accomplished product.
The handle measures 6″ long. The TOTAL breadth of the accomplished
doggie doorbells that should be 30 inches. So cut the longest award to a
breadth of 24″. The additional overlapping award will be cut three
inches beneath and the third overlapping award will be cut six inches
STEP 4 - Assembling The Ribbons For The Bells
Place the ribbons together, starting with the longest one on the bottom.
Pin the award handle to the array of ribbons so that it looks like
Now attach the handle to the ribbons with two abstracted zig zag seams.
STEP 5 - Attaching The Accretion To The Ribbon
Now it's time to sew the ribbons assimilate the bells. Put the breach
rings assimilate the accretion and sew a alarm assimilate anniversary
award bend like this. Repeat this for all three award ends and you're
Training Your Dog To Use The Doggie Doorbells
1 - Abode the accretion on the aperture that your dog uses to go out for a pee.
2- Before you accessible the aperture to let your dog out, say "go pee"
and ring the bells. Accomplish abiding that your dog can see and
apprehend the accretion ringing. Now accessible the aperture and let the
dog out. Never use a aliment reward, back the dog will accessory the
alarm with aliment and not traveling outside.
3- Repeat this action until your dog rings the accretion by itself. It ability yield a few weeks, but it will be account it.
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