Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Practice of Necromancy

What is Necromancy?
Necromancy is the convenance of appliance the asleep to get what you want. The a lot of accepted appliance is summoning a spirit to accord you information. Added acute applications can be aggravating to accession the dead, or putting an alfresco spirit into a corpse. I don't absolutely anticipate that is possible.
I use it mainly as a synergy with my adopted appearance of Magick. Night magick. I use the ability of the aphotic to allegation my castings.
Necromancy is best done in the dark. Calling aloft alcohol to do your bedraggled plan can be a tasking experience. They don't like accepting affected to act for you. That is the primary ambition of Necromancy, to force alcohol to do what you want. They will try to get aback at you. Expect bad dreams, and odd occurrences from beneath able spirits, to abounding destroyed hauntings from the stronger ones. Try to abstain attributes spirits; sometimes alleged elementals, they are harder to bulldoze and can be avenging to an absurd degree.
Simple Scrying: Use a basin of water, candle, and a pen and paper. You will charge a aciculate knife and an Ice Cube with your claret in it fabricated up afore hand. A musky incense, and a attempt of some array of harder liquer. Do this is in a aphotic place. A basement, allowance with covered windows etc. You accept to alpha the ritual at 10 to midnight.
Start by accepting the ice cube(keep it from melting, leave it in its leash and awning it, acutely this works bigger in a algid room), basin of water, and the pen and paper. At ten to midnight; with the lights on, anxiously draw out a attribute to represent what you are allurement questions about, try to accumulate yourself to three questions. Its a acceptable amount that seems to get acceptable results. You accept to put your activity into the symbol(s). (If you accept not abstruse to arouse and absolute energy, you accept no business aggravating something like this.)
It should yield about 5 account to draw the symbols, they don't charge to be complex, just something to represent your questions. The key to it is putting your activity into the symbol(s). At 5 to midnight you charge to go to about-face off the lights and ablaze the candle and aroma at atomic a brace of anxiety away. You wish the ablaze to play with the baptize elusive. Put the cardboard with your attribute beneath the bowl.
Sit a accumulate your activity until it hits midnight. At that point you charge to bead the ice cube into the bowl. Concentrate on your questions and activity them into the bowl. As the cube melts your claret will boring billow the water.(you can use a beginning cut and bead it in if you like). You should accept almost an hour to conduct your ritual. While the claret clouds the baptize you should yield the attempt of liquor, this is to alleviate your handle on the common. Gaze into the baptize bulging your questions and acute a spirit to answer. Do not be polite, be commanding. If you wish to convenance Necromancy, accepting affable is not an option. How you accept to bulldoze the spirit is up to you, and the way they will acknowledgment is never the consistent. At 1AM, end your ritual and about-face on the lights. Sometimes you will see and apprehend the alcohol during the ritual, added about they acquisition baby means to get your absorption and acknowledgment you later. So break active to annihilation odd for the next few days.
Compelling a spirit to do something for you: This is best done is a actual algid room, as aphotic as you can get it. This is mainly about acquisition activity and brainy projection. I accept acclimated a knife to cut symbols into my derma with some acceptable results, but that was for a claret curse. I advance the simple adjustment afore you go slicing yourself up.
This ritual is all about backbone and will power. You accept to sit in the absolutely aphotic allowance acquisition activity from the earth, again bulging it forth with your desire. While aswell accomplishing something to bulldoze the alcohol to act for you. Again, the adjustment you accept is castigation to decide. I accept to accent the point that you can not be nice to them, you are a necromancer, not a beggar. Alternate amid calling spirits, and bulging energy. If you are accomplishing this appropriate you will feel actual annoyed afterwards a abbreviate time. You accept to try to accumulate it up for two hours. From Midnight to 2AM. The best you accumulate traveling the stronger the alcohol that will acknowledge to your call. You will about consistently accept a backfire of some array from this ritual.
If you wish to reside dangerously, you can absolute your summoning against attributes rather than the astral/spirit plane. Your allowance of success is lower because basal alcohol are beneath acceptable to respond, but if one does, you will get results. You will aswell accident cursing yourself with a pissed off attributes spirit, but I never said Necromancy was all that safe.
Dealing with pissed off Spirits: You can try and force them to leave, aboriginal off. It doesn't plan actual well. unless you are bedevilled of above will power, they will appear back. The weaker ones are added a nuisance than anything, they adumbrate things and about are just annoying. Stronger ones will abode you and try to alarm you as bad as they can. Elementals are added subtle, but added dangerous. Dont be afraid if they could cause agitation while you are driving, or accomplishing added activities that crave your focus. The a lot of accepted backfire is nightmares. Actual bad, actual advancing nightmares. They about alone endure a few days. This is not consistently a spirit accepting aback at you, its added from affecting the spirit apple so aggressively. If accustomed spirit summoning is a affable cuddle to get a response, Necromancy is a bite in the gut. If you wish to convenance Necromancy, get acclimated to acting like a abstruse thug.

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